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A member registered Sep 24, 2022

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Splatoon but lewd...? Nice! I've actually never played the aforementioned game but this is really cool & addictive. The gameplay is pretty nice too, though I do find myself using the 'dash' ability more than the rest. 

The card collection system was a nice touch. Feels good to get some serotonins after a tough match 😅

Ok no problem, sorry for assuming 😅

I'll keep playing & let you know if I find a fix. 

Same here. I'm able to find the Goat results (there's only one to find) but every time I talk to Becky she just says "Keep looking". 

Are you playing as the female/futa character too? I think that might be what's causing this bug. 

The only other "Cam girl" style game I can think of is HonieCam Studio, made by the same developers as HoniePop. It's not free & I've not seen any real gameplay of it so I don't know if it's similar to this or not. 

I'll keep an eye out for more games like this one though & if I find any good ones I'll let you know 😄

This game was really fun & kinda hard towards the end. 

I appreciate this was a porn meme but I'd still love to see more features added in the future, such as a store where you could buy Camming upgrades & equipment. Maybe you could even hire moderators to help manage spam & bots but this would also decrease your overall earnings, stuff like that.

Either way great work! I'd love to see more games like this. 

If you can fap while playing this game then I commend you. 

You truly are a master 

...bator 😏

This game is fantastic, definitely one of the best erotic game I've played. I just completed it for the first time & am already looking forward to diving back in. I also feel this game or at least the way I played it, sums up porn addiction perfectly where there are so many options to choose from that you just end up coming back for more again & again. 

It's kinda weird to admit here but this game really reminds me of my teens watching Markiplier play games like the 'Witch's House' & 'Mad Father' but with bewbs! This was a strangely nostalgic experience that I'm genuinely thankful for. Keep up the amazing work & thanks again!

Yeah same here, I assume it's a bug. Hope it gets patched soon cuz I'm really enjoying this game so far. 

Gotta say this game had more to it than I expected. I kinda expected a Slender clone but this game has a coherent (if not simple) story & the mix of 2D & 3D artstyles give it some cool unique visuals. The horror elements aren't bad either. Overall I enjoyed this game quite a bit & look forward to your future projects. 

A pretty good spooky/sexy game overall. It would've been cool if the game had a simple backstory for the house & the ghost girl to explain why there was a collection of erotic content around the mansion & why the player was there. There was a bit of an atmosphere too until I realised there was only one jumpscare. Some more interaction with the ghost would be cool too, either she kills you or does something else with you... Either way I had fun so nice work!

I definitely like the artstyle, the use of 2D & 3D gives the game a more unique look. I haven't played the full version yet but imo it seems a little too easy to get into the lady's pants. I know that's a bit of a weird critique for a porn game but it's just a thought I had. 

Get gud...?

(1 edit)

Gotta say I really enjoyed this game. A very simple premise but the art style & multiple endings kept me involved (the cheat was a nice touch too). This took me back to playing a lot of Flash & HTML games during my teens, dark days indeed but with a few good moments here & there, so thanks!

Oh & forget to mention that the victory music is epic! Anyone know what it's from?

Cheers for the heads up

Same here, not sure what the issue is but I'll let you know if I manage to find a solution. (☞゚∀゚)☞

Thanks for reply. Just a suggestion, it's your game so you do you. Didn't mean to spark another heated debate on here so I'll be on my merry way. Lookin' forward to future updates. 

I gotta say, a number of things about this game really impress me. From the artstyle down to the boss battles, it's really piqued my interest. I understand this game is in the development stage, so it will take time for more content to be added but I'm happy with the way it seems to be going. 

The one thing I would recommend changing/removing is the "Doll". It gives off loli vibes (uugh I hate that term) & anything resembling a kid has no place in a game like this. If you're insistant on keeping it in then at least give it some clothes & keep it as a solely combat orientated follower/pet. Other than that, great work.